
Ask the question "Do you believe in reincarnation ?" This is like asking if someone believes in radio waves. "Of course I do." You reply incredulously. Now cast your mind back 150 years, after trains had been invented but still most of the goods in the country were moved around by horses on road and canal. The concept of radio waves had never entered the mind of anyone, except a few forward thinkers, and the answer to your question might be "What on earth are radio waves ?" Now you see that the question should be "Do you know about reincarnation ?" The answer this time is "Yes."


When we come in to the world, i.e. into the bodies we occupy now, we come with no memory of our previous lives. A very small minority do remember. For most of us however the slate is wiped clean because it would be too confusing having to remember:- Did this happen in this life or the last one or was it three lifetimes ago ? It is quite easy to remember your previous lives by meditating or dowsing. Most people would probably need help with doing past life regression. For myself I do not make a big thing of it and the main reason for this is that I do not think it is very useful. It is certainly interesting and I have met both a father and a mother from previous lives. I should not know about this if we had not taken an interest in the subject.