
Yoga is the most important thing there is.

This may seem a very sweeping statement even to someone who has been to a yoga class.

The truth is that maybe even some yoga teachers do not know what yoga is!


Yoga is about awareness. It is so all-encompassing that it will give you competence in anything else you want to do. For so many a yoga class is just another exercise class, another keep fit class. It is not, it is a lot more than that. The first classes for beginners seem like keep fit because your body has to be in working order before your mind and soul can work properly. Since you are your soul in a body and not your body with a soul, it is important to realise this. It is only when you are in a body that you can express yourself and yoga helps you to do that and achieve almost anything you want to. Though it may not seem much like it yoga is for everyone but not for everybody. Many bodies will come into being and go out again without ever realising what yoga is. Having said that, few people will acheive it, for now.


to be continued!